Driving Love

Stopping Hunger One Meal at a Time
$ 0

The Proposition

The highest bidder will receive the following!

Permanent naming rights for a road in the Forestbrook development of Paris, Texas. (restrictions on decency apply) Your children and grandchildren will be able to see this sign; or find it on Google Maps, if they don’t travel to Paris.

Official City of Paris Map with your street marked. Map will be stamped by the City of Paris.

Pictures taken at the sign installation. (small ceremony… invite your friends)

Formal Recognition from and Picture taken with the Mayor of Paris.

After the ceremony, pictures will be taken at the Eiffel Tower… of Paris, Texas… the one with the cowboy hat on top!

Street name, your name, and your picture with the street sign on our website (Personal pictures may be declined by winner.)

BBQ dinner for 2! (If vegetarian or vegan, Mexican dinner for 2.)

Street name will be registered on Google Maps.

Charity Road will auction off names of to-be-named streets in new developments around the country. Proceeds will be used to purchase food for struggling families between two sister cities.  One city in the town in which the road resides; and one urban city which may have no new roads to name.  These will be our Sister Cities.

We will have heart-touching and sometimes funny stories of the people that make each city special as well as stories about the auction winners and/or their street-namesakes who make this possible.

We will connect children and families from each city to learn how much they have in common; and how they can help each other.

Things People Tend to Name

Principal of OW Holmes Middle School

Ms. Sharon Jackson relates to her students as she grew up hungry and sometimes eating out of a trash can.

1 Out Of 7
Children in America Goes To Bed Hungry
11 Million Children Live In Food-Insecure Households

Coach Larry Holly

Retired military veteran, dedicates his time to making sure the kids have whatever he can access for them.

Sometimes it’s clothing or shoes other times it’s food or rides home in bad weather.

Happy Times for People Struggling To Eat​

Types of Food Insecure Homes

Our Volunteers

People Helping People

The Founder of Charity Road

Tesina Painter (Tessie) is a unicorn. A creative, food obsessed, charitable, entrepreneur and a widow who raised 4 children alone while running businesses out of the home to support them. She is sincere; and she’s fun. With a passion for people in need; it’s their stories that are captivating for her. 

Tesina taught special education, then became a diagnostician. After the birth of her first child, she identified a need affecting hospitals and new moms; and started a six-figure business from her home in 1993. She has a gift for seeing needs and finding creative ways to meet them.

She quickly moved into sales, consulting, and then commercial real estate, founding Strata Commercial.. All the while, Tesina has been building a network of friends who are volunteers, donors, nonprofits and others in need. 

The two worlds of commercial real estate and hungry people came together with her genius idea to auction off the naming of streets to raise money to feed people.  Then to share the stories of all involved to ignite involvement makes for an entertaining and motivating time.

Let’s not stop there!  Tesina enlisted one of her besties and owner of WhiteSpace Methods, Scarlett Valente, to provide workshops for food recipients ready for opportunities to improve their lives. Tesina’s energy and ability to bring people together for a common and positive cause is invigorating. Tesina makes you want to be a part of the solution.

Lone Star

Planned Developments,LLC

Nathan is developing the first master-planned development in Paris, Texas…over 200 acres of single-family, multi-family, and commercial development.
With every project Nathan undertakes, he ensures that they not only enhance the well-being and character of each community but also incorporate charitable elements, such as involving Charity Road projects, the donation of land to school districts for new public schools, and contributing land for city parks.
Nathan understands the power of giving.

Noble Life Outreach 

Aaron Buttrick started life in upper middle class with entrepreneurial Christian parents and as an adult started his own business in restaurants. Somehow a long the way he became addicted to drugs, lost his way and found himself to be homeless; a nomad living on the streets.

For 7 years he lived in the North West on the streets until coming to Dallas, getting cleaned up and deciding to turn his life around. 

Now, for 11 years, he has run a non-profit that collects and distributes food and other items to those in needs. Noble Life is on site for disaster relief, outreach to people on the street and those who may need help for the first time. Noble is a business that can provide income opportunities. 

Aaron has been 14 years sober and continues to be an inspiration.

God's Pantry

Sylvia Martinez has been the Executive Director of God’s Pantry since 2014. When she started, she was serving 200 families. In 2019, she served 330 families. 

Since 2020, they now have served over 800 families.; and 1,000 homeless individuals every month.

Volunteer, she works 45 hours per week for free. She took a year off of work; and is spending her savings to get the pantry in shape.

Sylvia teaches how to use food efficiently to people and to maximize the use of every part of the food of a meal.  #NoWaste

Whitespace Methods Workshop

Mindset Coaching In mindset coaching, we take stock of your beliefs, behaviors, and thought patterns to identify what is helping and what is hurting.

From there, we will map out strategy ways to change or adopt new thoughts and beliefs to promote a healthier and more product outlook on life.

Productivity Evaluation We will dive into a roadmap that will identify your goals, priorities and a timeline for achieving them.

There is more to productivity than just time management. Think of this coaching session as an owner’s manual for getting things done quickly and with less effort.

We will look at your resources, day to day habits and systems to crete momentum, create time, create opportunities.

Organizers & Academy You will learn important principles and practical step-by-step techniques for organizing and getting started in a career as a professional organizer.

Our dedicated team works meticulously to create an environment where their clients can thrive and focus on what truly matters to them. With our guidance, they rediscover the joy of a well-ordered life, full of motivation and energy.

Our Original Donors; Patel Bros

One day while driving my daughter to work, I saw Patel Brothers’ employees throw away food that looked edible.

At that moment, an employee bit a cucumber from the bin. I spoke to the manager; and then Darshan Patel. Darshan generously agreed to provide daily food from his stores. 

I started picking up food and delivering it, the next day.

Patel donated 880 pounds, day 1; over 271K pounds the first calendar year; over 3.8M pounds in 2020; and combined with our partners, we have provided millions of pounds in less than 5 years from numerous grocery and financial donors.

Chris Heney

Website Creator

Paul Salfen


Jeffrey Rohrer


Why Now?

Mostly because I just thought of it! New real estate developments have new streets. Those streets get named. One night when I was working on fundraising emails for our Christmas Turkey drive, I thoughts of the idea to auction off a street name to feed people.

We had just passed our deadline to turn in the proposed names of the streets of the Forestbrook development in Paris, Texas. Surely, deadlines could be extended for a good cause…

I spoke to Nathan Spaulding of Lone Star Planned Developments; as well as the manager of the City of Paris, Texas. Both of them were thrilled to use naming of a street to feed people; and were willing to move that deadline for us! Next, I spoke to Chris Heney, who is donating the website; William Ekeroth and Paul Salfen who are providing media and promotion. 

Then, Jeffrey Rohrer and Scarlett Valente provided assistance on presentation and visuals. With the help of these great friends… Thus was born Charity Road the merging of a previously unmonetized real restart asset with my passion for feeding people. May this project bring attention to the incredible number of hungry children in our great nation; and motivate more good people to join us.

If you’re a developer who would like to donate street naming or a school principal who would like to work with us, contact us through our website or info@charityroad.org. If you have a business in which you can employ people at better wages; and you’re willing to provide training; contact us through our website. Corporate sponsorship? Contact us!

If the price of naming a street is out of your reach helping is not. Donations from starting at $1 and up are all welcome. A 100% of proceeds goes to the purchase and delivery of food.

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Place Your Bid!

Your Custom Rd

Become the high bidder, and get a street named after you!